

Journal of Management Accounting Research2019年总目录



The mission of the Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) is to advance the theory and practice of management accounting through publication of high-quality applied and theoretical research, using any well-executed research method. JMAR serves the global community of scholars and practitioners whose work impacts or is informed by the role that accounting information plays in decision-making and performance measurement within organizations. Settings may include profit and not-for profit organizations, service, retail and manufacturing organizations and domestic, foreign, and multinational firms. JMAR furthermore seeks to advance an understanding of management accounting in its broader context, such as issues related to the interface between internal and external reporting or taxation. New theories, topical areas, and research methods, as well as original research with novel implications to improve practice and disseminate the best managerial accounting practices are encouraged.

It is a high quality journal (A*) in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal List.


Eva Labro, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR)的任务是,通过使用任何执行良好的研究方法,通过发表高质量的应用和理论研究成果来推进管理会计的理论和实践.   JMAR服务于学者和从业人员的全球社区,他们的工作影响或受会计信息在组织内部决策和绩效评估中的作用所影响. 设置可能包括获利和非营利组织,服务,零售和制造组织以及国内,外国和跨国公司。JMAR还寻求在更广泛的背景下加深对管理会计的理解,例如与内部和外部报告或税收之间的接口相关的问题. 鼓励采用新的理论,主题领域和研究方法,以及对改进实践和传播最佳管理会计实践具有新颖意义的原始研究。

它是澳大利亚商学院理事会(ABDC)质量期刊列表中的高质量期刊(A *).


Eva Labro,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校

Volume 31, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)

So Many People to Thank: 2019 Management Accounting Section Lifetime Achievement Award

John Harry Evans III

Control Self-Assessment and Costs of Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404

Lawrence J. Abbott, Susan Parker, Gary F. Peters, Theresa J. Presley

Performance Feedback Type and Employees' Subsequent Willingness to Help Other Employees

Paul W. Black, Andrew H. Newman, Bryan R. Stikeleather , Nathan J. Waddoups

How the Interplay between Financial and Nonfinancial Measures Affects Management Forecasting Behavior

Joseph F. Brazel , Bradley E. Lail

The Magnitude of Sales Change , Asymmetric Cost Behavior

Mustafa Ciftci , Taisier A. Zoubi

A Field Study of Strategy Map Evolution

Syrus Islam

Improving Predictions of Upward Cost Adjustment and Cost Asymmetry at the Firm-Year Level

Thomas Kaspereit , Kerstin Lopatta

Clawbacks and Earnings Management

Carolyn B. Levine, Michael J. Smith

The Effects of Superior Trust and Budget-Based Controls on Budgetary Gaming and Budget Value

Theresa Libby , R. Murray Lindsay

Difficult Cost Goals and Conflicting Honesty Incentives: The Influence of Decision Responsibility

Theresa Libby, Chad A. Proell , Steven D. Smith

Information Availability in Acquisition Decisions: The Role of Prior Relations and Rival Bidders

Dieter Smeulders, Henri C. Dekker , Alexandra Van den Abbeele

Volume 31, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)

The Importance of Task Complexity When Rewarding Nonfinancial Performance

Leslie Berger

I Know Something You Don't Know: The Effect of Relative Performance Information and Individual Performance Incentives on Knowledge Sharing

Leslie Berger, Krista Fiolleau , Carolyn MacTavish

Are CFOs Effective Operators? An Empirical Analysis of CFO/COO Duality

Steve Buchheit, Austin L. Reitenga, George Ruch , Daniel A. Street

The Interfirm Contracting Value of Management Accounting Information

Henri C. Dekker, Takaharu Kawai , Junya Sakaguchi

Market Valuation Consequences of Avoiding Taxes While also Being Socially Responsible

Kerry K. Inger , Brian Vansant

Tournament Horizon: A Marathon or a Sprint? It Depends Upon the Level of Heterogeneity in Ability Among Employees

Lee Kersting, Robert N. Marley , Mark J. Mellon

Business Strategy and the Cost of Equity Capital: An Evaluation of Pure versus Hybrid Business Strategies

Mehdi Khedmati, Edwin KiaYang Lim, Vic Naiker , Farshid Navissi

Deception in Management Accounting Experimental Research: “A Tricky Issue” Revisited

Theresa Libby , Steven E. Salterio

Estimating the Effect of a Fit-Focused Employee Selection Program

Nai-Yng Liu, Shuen-Zen Liu , Hsuan-Lien Chu

An Experimental Examination of the Effects of Information Control on Budget Reporting with Relative Project Evaluation

Anthony D. Nikias

Volume 31, Issue 1 (Spring 2019)

Journal of Management Accounting Research's 30th Anniversary

Eva Labro

Critique on the “Manager Effects” Research and Implications for Management Accounting Research

Margaret A. Abernethy , Mark S. Wallis

A Framework for Conducting Numerical Experiments on Cost System Design

Vic V. Anand, Ramji Balakrishnan , Eva Labro

Finding Common Ground: COSO's Control Frameworks and the Levers of Control

Ramji Balakrishnan, Ella Mae Matsumura , Sridhar Ramamoorti

The Effects of Reciprocity and Self-Awareness on Honesty in Managerial Reporting: Social Value Orientation Matters

Bruce I. Davidson

Inequity Aversion, Incentives, and Personal Norms: The Effects on Budget Preparation and Use

Joseph G. Fisher, W. Timothy Mitchell, Sean A. Peffer , R. Alan Webb

Customer-Base Concentration: Implications for Audit Pricing and Quality

Gopal V. Krishnan, Panos N. Patatoukas , Annika Yu Wang

Accruals, Managerial Operating Decisions, and Firm Growth: Implications for Tests of Earnings Management

Michelle Liu

Managerial Equity Holdings and Income Smoothing Incentives

Sydney Qing Shu , Wayne B. Thomas

Heard It through the Grapevine: Conceptualizing Informal Control through the Lens of Social Network Theory

Basil P. Tucker

Optimal Risk Trade-Off in Relative Performance Evaluation

Martin G. H. Wu


[1]. 非常感谢:2019年管理会计科终身成就奖


[2]. 控制自我评估和Sarbanes-Oxley 404条的合规成本


Sarbanes-Oxley 法案,始创于 2002 年,由美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)提交,经美国总统小布什签署,是即 Enron 公司和 WorldCom 公司曝出财务破产的丑闻之后的一部为消除企业欺诈和弊端的历史性典型法规。

[3]. 绩效反馈类型和员工随后帮助其他员工的意愿

保罗·布莱克(Paul W. Black),安德鲁·H·纽曼(Andrew H.Newman),布莱恩·R·斯蒂克利瑟(Bryan R.Stikeleather),内森·J·瓦杜普斯(Nathan J. Waddoups)

[4]. 财务和非财务指标之间的相互作用如何影响管理预测行为

约瑟夫·布拉泽(Joseph F. Brazel),布拉德利·莱尔(Bradley E. Lail)

[5]. 销售变化幅度,成本行为不对称

穆斯塔法·奇夫奇(Mustafa Ciftci),泰西尔·A·佐比(Taisier A. Zoubi)

[6]. 战略地图演变的实地研究

Syrus Islam

[7]. 改进企业年级上调成本调整和成本不对称性的预测

托马斯·卡斯珀雷特(Kerstin Lopatta)

[8]. 回扣和盈余管理


[9]. 上级信任和基于预算的控制对预算游戏和预算价值的影响

特蕾莎·莉比(Theresa Libby)

[10]. 艰难的成本目标和诚实的激励措施:决策责任感的影响

特蕾莎·利比(Theresa Libby),乍得·普罗尔(Chad A.Proell),史蒂文·史密斯(Steven D.Smith)

[11]. 收购决策中的信息可用性:优先关系和竞标者的作用

Dieter Smeulders,Henri C. Dekker,Alexandra Van den Abbeele


[12]. 奖励非财务绩效时任务复杂性的重要性

莱斯利·伯格(Leslie Berger)

[13]. 我知道您不知道的事:相对绩效信息和个人绩效激励对知识共享的影响

Leslie Berger,Krista Fiolleau,Carolyn MacTavish

[14]. 首席财务官是有效的运营商吗? CFO / COO对偶的实证分析

史蒂夫·布赫(Steve Buchheit),奥斯汀·雷滕加(Austin L.Reitenga),乔治·鲁奇(George Ruch),丹尼尔·A·斯基特(Daniel A. Street)

[15]. 管理会计信息的公司间合同价值

亨利·德克(Henri C. Dekker),河合孝治(Takaharu Kawai),坂口淳弥(Junya Sakaguchi)

[16]. 避税同时对社会负责的市场估值结果

凯里·英格(Berry Vansant)

[17]. 锦标赛范围:马拉松还是短跑?这取决于员工能力异质性的水平

Lee Kersting,Robert N.Marley,Mark J.Mellon

[18]. 业务策略和股权资本成本:纯业务策略与混合业务策略的评估

Mehdi Khedmati,Edwin KiaYang Lim,Vic Naiker,Farshid Navissi

[19]. 管理会计实验研究中的欺骗:“棘手的问题”再探

特蕾莎·利比(Theresa Libby),史蒂芬·萨尔特里奥(Steven E.Salterio)

[20]. 评估适合员工的选拔计划的效果

刘乃英,刘顺增,Hsuan-Lien Chu

[21]. 相对项目评估中信息控制对预算报告的影响的实验检验



[22]. 管理会计研究期刊30周年

伊娃·拉布罗(Eva Labro)

[23]. 对“经理效应”研究的批判及其对管理会计研究的启示


[24]. 进行成本系统设计数值实验的框架

维克·V·阿南德(Vic V. Anand),拉姆吉·巴拉克里希南(Ramji Balakrishnan),伊娃·拉布(Eva Labro)

[25]. 寻找共同点:COSO的控制框架和控制杠杆

Ramji Balakrishnan,Ella Mae Matsumura,Sridhar Ramamoorti

COSO是美国反虚假财务报告委员会下属的发起人委员会(The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)的英文缩写。 1985年,由美国注册会计师协会、美国会计协会、财务经理人协会、内部审计师协会、管理会计师协会联合创建了反虚假财务报告委员会,旨在探讨财务报告中的舞弊产生的原因,并寻找解决之道。两年后,基于该委员会的建议,其赞助机构成立COSO委员会,专门研究内部控制问题。1992年9月,COSO委员会发布《内部控制整合框架》,简称COSO报告,1994年进行了增补。

[26]. 互惠和自我意识对管理报告诚实度的影响:社会价值取向的问题


[27]. 不平等厌恶,激励和个人规范:对预算编制和使用的影响

约瑟夫·费舍尔,W. 蒂莫西·米切尔,肖恩·A·佩弗,R. 艾伦·韦伯

[28]. 客户群集中:对审计定价和质量的影响

Gopal V. Krishnan,Panos N. Patatoukas,Annika Yu Wang

[29]. 权责发生制,管理运营决策和公司成长:对盈余管理测试的启示

Michelle Liu

[30]. 管理股权持有和收益平滑激励悉尼青树


[31]. 据消息知:通过社交网络理论将非正式控制概念化


[32]. 相对绩效评估中的最佳风险权衡

Martin G. H. Wu

联系方式: gcaaperth@outlook.com
联系地址:Suite 148 Level 2, 580 Hay St, Perth, West Australia 6000