


3rd GCAA Summit 2021

Frontier on Governance, Control, and Shareholder Rights in China and Asia

Shenzhen, China

27-28 November 2021


The College of Economics, Shenzhen University, Global Chinese Accounting Association (GCAA), School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Curtin University are proud to present the 3rd Global Chinese Accounting Association (GCAA) Summit in Shenzhen, China, November 27-28, 2021. The aim of this Summit is to bring together accounting academics to offer them incredible opportunities
to collaborate with editors from world recognised journal,
Pacific Basin Finance Journal, and meet the experienced accounting researchers from around the world. This Summit will be a fantastic opportunity for networking and developing collaborative links.

The Pacific Basin Finance Journal provides a special issue for this Summit on the theme of Frontier on Governance, Control, and Shareholder Rights in China and Asia. Professor Jerry Cao from Shenzhen University, and the Deputy Chair of GCAA, Professor Donghui Li from Shenzhen University are invited to be the guest editors of this special issue. We welcome accounting academics and practitioners engaged in accounting research and practice to attend this Summit.

Conference Organisers:

College of Economics, Shenzhen University

Global Chinese Accounting Association (GCAA)

School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Curtin University


The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Call for papers:

Authors are invited to share their research findings on issues relevant to the theme of this Summit and the following topics but are not limited to.

ØCorporate finance, governance and control, ownership structure, financial modelling, financial stability, shadow banking, Chinese financial market reform, mergers and acquisition, shareholder rights, and environmental, social and governance (ESG).

Criteria for assessment of presentation research papers at the Summit are:

ØThe originality of the perspective and the novelty of the subject,

ØThe methodology used,

ØThe soundness of the analysis and interpretations, and

ØThe results achieved and relevance to stakeholders.

Paper Selection Process

The selection process will involve two stages. In the first stage, participants are invited to submit their full completed papers to conference organizer before the deadline as indicated below and the conference committee will screen and evaluate all the submissions. In the second stage, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to the Pacific Basin Finance Journal to go through the journal’s review process.

Publication opportunity:

Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication (subject to double-blind reviewing process) in a special issue of Pacific Basin Finance Journal, (SSCI) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/pacific-basin-finance-journal. There is no guarantee that all submitted or reported papers will be accepted for the special issue.

Special Issue Guest Editor:

Professor Jerry Cao

Professor Donghui Li

Conference committee:

Donghui Li, Shenzhen University

Wenlian Lin, Shenzhen University

Grantley Taylor, Curtin University

Ying Han Fan, Curtin University

Tianpei Luo, Curtin University

Jeremy Goh, Singapore Management University

Yukun (Stan) Shi, University of Glasgow

Haitian Lu, Hong Kong Polytechnique University

Sili Zhou, Fudan University

Tony Zhou, Shanghai Technology University

Antai Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: September 15, 2021

Decision Notification: October 10, 2021

Registration Deadline: October 30, 2021

Conference: November 27-28, 2021

On-site registration is not available. The details of registration will be provided in due course.

Number of attendees:

In order to achieve the effectiveness of the forum exchanges, the number of participants is limited to 120.


All submissions will be reviewed by two academics from the conference committee. Each presentation will run 30 minutes including 15 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion, and 5 minutes for questions and feedback.

Best paper award:

Two best papers awards will be given to the authors which will be selected by the committee of this Summit among the presented papers.

Registration fee:

ØFull-time staff: a registration fee RMB1800 (AU$360) for the conference is payable per person.

ØStudents: a registration fee RMB1000 (AU$200) for the conference is payable per person.

ØThis amount covers all lunches, tea breaks, and formal dinner during the conference, materials, and other conference expenses.

ØDetails of the remittance will be provided after the registration forms have been received.

ØAttendees are to book and pay for their own accommodation during the conference. The details of accommodation will be provided in due course.

Special issue submission fee:

A submission fee RMB 1200 for special issue should be made to the journal if the authors wish to submit their papers to this special issue.

Conference contacts:

Contact person: Miss Xiaotong Huang


PBFJ Paper submission contacts:

Papers for consideration of PBFJ special issue should be submitted to the following email address:

ØEmail: fgcsc2021@qq.com

ØContact person: Dr Lin Wenlian

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

联系方式: gcaaperth@outlook.com
联系地址:Suite 148 Level 2, 580 Hay St, Perth, West Australia 6000