British Accounting Review 特刊会议
澳大利亚珀斯市Perth, Australia
环球华人会计学会第四届高峰论坛及British Accounting Review 特刊会议于2022年11月28日在澳大利亚珀斯市科廷大学市区校区隆重开幕。

大会开幕式由科廷大学会计金融经济学院的Grantley Taylor教授主持。

Professor Grantley Taylor
Discipline Lead-Accounting
SchoolofAccounting, Economicsand Finance,Curtin University
科廷大学副校长Vanessa Chang教授, 科廷大学会计金融经济学院院长Therese Jefferson教授以及环球华人会计学会主席樊影菡博士在开幕式上致欢迎词。
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Prof. Vanessa Chang | Prof.Therese Jefferson |
Dr Ying Han Fan |
Pro-Vice Chancellor Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University | Head of School School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Curtin University | Chair, Global Chinese Accounting Association GCAA)/Curtin |
特邀主题嘉宾British Accounting Review的Joint-Editor Wenxuan Hou教授和British Journal of Management的Editor-in-Chief Douglas Cumming教授出席了本次会议并分别给予主题演讲。
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Professor Wenxuan Hou |
Professor Douglas Cumming |
Joint-Editor British Accounting Review University of Edinburgh, UK. | Editor-in-Chief British Journal of Management Florida Atlantic University, USA. |

本次会议由科廷大学国际交流处(Curtin-International)及特许公认会计师公会Associationof Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)提供赞助。在此特别感谢!