西方会计期刊投稿指南 | AbacusA Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies 期刊简介 Abacus是全球第四古老的国际会计学术期刊,由澳大利亚悉尼大学(University of Sydney)于1965年公开发行,每年出版四期(Four times per year),收录于SSCI索引。Abacus自1965年以来一直为独立表达和批判会计、金融等商业领域当前所面临的学术话题以及实务热点提供高水平的交流平台。 征稿主题 The journal reports current research; critically evaluates current developments in theory and practice; analyses the effects of the regulatory framework of accounting, finance and business; and explores alternatives to, and explanations of, past and current practices. 具体可参考文末相关会议的征稿主题。 审稿周期 约需一年左右 投稿方式 网站注册投稿:http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/abacus 影响因子 1.119(From Journal Citation Reports) 难易程度 ★★★★ 相关信息 [1] Abacus过刊浏览: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-6281/earlyview [2] 相关会议信息 Call for Papers: 2018 International Accounting Standards Board Research Forum in Conjunction with Abacus Date: November 11-12, 2018 Location:Sydney, Australia, Particular areas of interest include, but are not constrained to: •performance reporting/primary financial statements (possible improvements to the structure and content of the statement(s) of financial performance); • wider corporate reporting (revision and update of the Management Commentary Practice Statement); • liabilities vs equity (possible improvements to the classification of financial instruments); •extractive industries (possible accounting requirements for exploration,evaluation, development and production of minerals, and oil and gas); • intangible assets (recognition versus disclosure; business value creation; key resources and intangibles). 投稿截止日期:April 14, 2018, 投稿地址http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/abacus 详细信息: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-6281/asset/homepages/IASB_Call_for_Papers.pdf?v=1&s=ef6bc640c93a00504180a0d067bd3afdd878286d Inaugural Workshop on Accounting as a Social and Organizational Practice (ASOP) 2018 Authors of papers presented at ASOP 2018 are invited to submit their papers for a Special Issue/Section in Abacus. When submitting a paper, enter 'ASOP 2018' in th |