西方会计期刊投稿指南 | Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal期刊简介 Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal是1988年在英国谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield)创刊并公开发行的国际会计学术期刊,简称AAAJ,每年出刊8期,发表文章70篇左右,收录于SSCI检索。AAAJ致力于促进会计学科发展,发表关于会计/审计领域的高质量原创文章,以及探讨会计审计与社会、经济和政治环境交互影响的论文,鼓励上述领域内有关政策与实践的批判性论文投稿,如新政策选择的长远影响以及会计对社会经济和政治环境的影响。 征稿主题 • Alternative explanations for observed practice. • Critical and historical perspective on current issues and problems. • Field study based theory development • Limitations in present accounting measurement • Political influences on policy making • Social and political aspects of accounting standards • The broadening scope of the reporting constituency 审稿周期 约需1-2年。 投稿方式 网站投稿http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aaaj 影响因子 2.732(From Journal Citation Reports) 难易程度 ★★★★ 相关信息 [1] AAAJ过刊浏览: https://econpapers.repec.org/article/emeaaajpp/default.htm [2] Call For Papers: Neoliberalism and Management Accounting This AAAJ sepcial issue welcomes the submission of research papers – both empirical and theoretical – focusing on variants of management accounting practices in diverse spaces and times, and their links with neoliberalism. An indicative list of themes (but not limited to) includes the practices of management accounting in: public sector reforms and new public management initiatives corporate governance mechanisms and the delivery of accountability risk discourses and enterprise risk management practices global supply-chains and interfirm relationship climate change programmes, CSR practices, and social and environmental discourses civil society, NGOs, microfinance institutions, and poverty alleviation programmes cooperative movements and sharing economy bundling and hybridization of management accounting ideas the transformation of management accounting; and alternative framing of neoliberalism and management accounting research Submissions for this issue open in July 2018 and close on December 2018. http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=AAA |